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Tomáš Pfeiffer - A Life of Přinašeč (the Bringer)

The hundredth anniversary of Mr. Josef Zezulka’s birth in conjunction with the breakthrough year 2012 was the reason to tell the big secret of Prague for the first time. Bringer is born once every 2000 years. At the age of 33, his ability to connect to the truth of Existence awakens. He is always born before the forthcoming era in order to help people to get the era started. It is always extremely difficult to fulfil this faith. In the book you will find a description of a life journey of the one who has been implored and expected over generations. In silence, recognized by hardly anyone, he lived all his life in Prague.

A5 Hardcover Book: 230,- CZK (9.2 €)
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PDF E-book: 169,- CZK (6.8 €)
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© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.

Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)
Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)

THE HORIZON OF COGNITION - Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma
THE HORIZON OF COGNITION - Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma

A way to unify the micro/macro world from the point of view of the Philosophy of Existence
Tomáš Pfeiffer - Spacetime + Gravity
Tomáš Pfeiffer - Spacetime + Gravity


Organised by Tomáš Pfeiffer
Tomáš Pfeiffer - SPACETIME
Tomáš Pfeiffer - SPACETIME

Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life

The Rip Photography  - The Crown of the Forefather Čech
The Rip Photography - The Crown of the Forefather Čech

Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EKZISTO - filozofio de la vivo
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - EKZISTO - filozofio de la vivo

Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - L'ÊTRE - philosophie de vie
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - L'ÊTRE - philosophie de vie

Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - DAS DASEIN - Lebensphilosophie
Josef Zezulka - BYTÍ - DAS DASEIN - Lebensphilosophie